14th Monday at 7 pm we will have the
wedding anniversary mass. Couples who are celebrating their wedding
anniversary in the month May can attend this Mass.
Solemnity of Pentecost:
We will be celebrating the solemnity of
Pentecost on Friday 18, Saturday 19 and Sunday 20, Mass as usual.
Vigil of Pentecost: On 19th Saturday after the 7 pm mass we will have a
vigil of Pentecost adoration. All our parishioners are cordially invited for
this vigil prayer. The timing of the adoration is 8 pm to 10 pm.
Bible study
the parish is organizing a detailed study on
the Holy Eucharist called “A Biblical Walk through the Mass”. It’s a Five
week Course starting on 20th may 2018 Sunday. The class timing will be
every Sunday from 7-9 pm, interested parishioners can register their
names in the parish office.